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To provide skill development training programmes to downtrodden unemployed youth for gainful employment and also coaching classes to educated unemployees to prepare for competitive examinations .

To provide care and support services to the elderly citizens including operation of old age /senior citizen homes and orphanages or assist the organisations running these institutions

To implement and support activities for comprehensive development of women and Persons With Disability (PWD) or differently abled which shall include welfare, empowerment and realization of their rights and entitlements


To conduct activities aimed at improving enabling conditions for better health of the people that shall specifically include organizing health camps; providing safe water, sanitation, Hygiene including Menstrual hygiene services; Protection of environment and ecology and any other activities that directly or indirectly contribute to better health and quality of life people in the rural and urban areas.

To undertake any other activities necessary as per the changing social, economic and environmental conditions that affect the lives of the people so as to ensure that the best opportunities of life and livelihoods are sustained particularly for the poor, marginalized and vulnerable communitiesFor the furtherance of all or any of the aforesaid objects, the board of trustees shall have authority.

To provide financial assistance for the people affected with natural disasters such as droughts, floods, earthquakes and fire hazards.


To promote education, Science, Literature, Fine arts, games and sports